Preston Muller

About Preston Muller

Preston Muller, on the other hand, is quite pleased of his TripAdviser rating. This is possibly the finest example of his commitment to creating a once-in-a-lifetime experience for each and every customer. In the category of ""Tours in Destin,"" Gulf Angler Fishing Charters is currently ranked in the Top 5. 782 of the 800 customers who left a review gave it a five-star rating, indicating that it was a ""excellent,"" five-star experience. This is an incredible achievement that exemplifies Preston Muller's and his company's high standards. One recent reviewer praised the employees for their ""concern for the environment."" Preston Muller was singled out by another, who described him as professional. But, more significantly, they cleaned up after themselves. The reviewer claims to have caught Red Snapper, Mahi-mahi, and even a five-foot shark when fishing. The delighted customers carried a portion of their catch to a nearby restaurant, where it was cooked for them that evening.

A number of celebrities have also taken note. Preston Muller has established his authority and earned respect among his colleagues by contributing weekly to Coastal Angler Magazine. ""How To Do Florida"" highlighted him and Gulf Angler Fishing Charters. Host Chad Crawford joined ""Home Grown"" to talk about the Gulf Coast's catch-to-table initiative. But it was BlacktipH Fishing that gave the brand the greatest notoriety. The YouTube celebrity enjoys ""pushing the limits,"" depicting extreme angling in high-octane situations. Preston Muller has starred in 18 episodes and has over 20 million views on YouTube. However, one of his personal highlights was when Josh Jorgensen, the presenter, presented Preston Muller to Donald Trump Jr. He was treated to a four-hour journey by the boat skipper. The two stayed friends, with the company owner being amazed by the former President's son's fishing skills.

""Home Grown"" is more than a boat in this sense. Preston Muller's unrelenting goal of bringing high-end angling and exceptional service to individuals in his own area is embodied in it."